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A1: Application and Agreement for Extension of Water Mains

Download Exhibit A.1.pdf

A2: Application and Agreement for Extension of Mains

Download Exhibit A.2.pdf

B: Sanitary Sewer Easement Deed

Download Exhibit B.pdf

B1: Underdrain Easement Deed

Download Exhibit B.1.pdf

C: Bill of Sale and Exhibit A

Download Exhibit C.pdf

D: Application for Sewer Tap Permit

Exhibit D SewerTapApp2023.pdf

E: Fixture Unit Computation Schedule

Download Exhibit E.pdf

F: Application for Sanitary Sewer Stub-In Permit and Exhibit A

Download Exhibit F.pdfDownload Exhibit F – Exhibit A.pdf

G: Application for Underdrain Tap Permit

Download Exhibit G.pdf

H: Agreement for Underdrain Stub-In Permit and Exhibit A

Download Exhibit H.pdfDownload Exhibit H – Exhibit A.pdf

I: Denver Water Department Application for Water Supply License Outside the City and County of Denver

Download Exhibit I.pdf

J: Denver Water Department Application for Water Supply License Inside the City and County of Denver

Download Exhibit J.pdf

K: License Agreement for Crossing Existing Sewer Mains

Download Exhibit K.pdf

L: Underdrain Variance Agreement

Download Exhibit L.pdf

L1: Residential Underdrain Variance Agreement

Download Exhibit L1.pdf

L2: Surface Discharge Variance Agreement

Download Exhibit L2.pdf