Service Fees & Charges
The District provides water and sewer service to its customers as a result of several contracts entered into with the Denver Board of Water Commissioners, the City of Littleton, and two other Special Districts. Through these contracts, the District is able to provide treatment of its sewage by the City of Littleton as well as maintenance of its water system by Denver.
The District has greatly reduced the cost of providing water and sewer service to its customers by using these contracts. However, the number of bills a customer gets for these services is increased. All customers in the District receive three bills for water and sewer service: one bill for water service from Denver Water, one bill for sewage treatment from the City of Littleton, and one bill for sewer and underdrain maintenance from the District. In addition, the City and County of Denver or the City of Lakewood bill their customers an annual stormwater maintenance fee for maintaining the storm drains in the District.
The District’s sewer and underdrain maintenance costs include cleaning and repairs of the District’s mains, maintaining sewer lift stations and metering stations, as well as monitoring the water quality of the District’s underdrain discharge points.
Sewer Service Fees – Residential Customers
The District bills an annual sewer service fee per residential home, condominium, and apartment once per year in February. A base fee is charged to all residential customers with average annual water usage at or below the District’s base average annual usage. An additional charge is assessed for usage above the District’s base. A customer’s average annual water usage is calculated using the three lowest monthly Denver Water meter readings taken from the premises for the 12 months preceding the District’s annual budget hearing. The District does not charge for irrigation water (from sprinklers) since this water does not flow into the District’s sewer system.
The District’s base annual water usage and rates for residential customers for the current year are shown on the District’s Service Fees Schedule.
2025 Fee Schedule.xlsxWater usage in the District has shown an increase in the past year. The District encourages homeowners to conserve water as this reduces the burden on the District’s sewer system.
Sewer Service Fees – Non-Residential Customers
The District bills its non-residential customers a sewer service fee once per year in February. The District fee is charged per 1,000 gallons of water usage based on their water usage volume. The annual water usage volume is determined using the monthly Denver Water meter readings taken from the premises for the 12 months preceding the District’s annual budget hearing. An irrigation allowance, if any, is deducted from the invoice.
Irrigation allowances are only allowed where the customer does not have a separate irrigation tap or separate meter on their irrigation system. Each customer may submit a request for irrigation allowances once per year by the first day of September. An allowance of 12.5 gallons per square foot per year will be allowed for turf grass irrigation areas. Other irrigated areas, such as flower gardens, etc., will be allowed 6 gallons per square foot per year. The irrigation allowance, if any, will be deducted from the invoice. The District will review the request and may do random inspections and verifications of the area listed in the request.
Requests for irrigation allowance are not required after the initial request unless there have been changes to the area(s) being irrigated.
Requests shall include the following data:
A. Total turf grass area in square feet
B. Total other irrigated areas, if any, in square feet
To download an Irrigation Allowance Request Form, click below.
Exhibit P IrrigationAllowanceForm.docxUnderdrain Service Fee
The District charges an annual underdrain service fee per residential unit serviced by an underdrain tap or by a surface discharge which has been granted a variance. An underdrain service fee is also charged to non-residential buildings serviced by an underdrain tap. Click below for current rates.
2024 Sanitary Sewer - Underdrain - Water System Fee Schedule.docx